New normal Home Visit: Thai Community Nurses’ Roles in the Prevention and Control of Coronavirus (Covid-19) Outbreak within the Urban Healthcare setting


  • Jintana Artsanthia Faculty of Nursing, Saint Louis College
  • Saengwan Tungsaengsakul Faculty of Nursing, Saint Louis College
  • Saisamorn Chaleoykitti Faculty of Nursing, The Royal Thai Army Nursing College


COVID-19, Home Visit, Community Nurses’ Roles


This academic article had the objective to explain the role of community nurses during home visits for the prevention and control of the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak in urban healthcare settings. Community nurses need to speed up building knowledge and understanding of the disease and its prevention methods for people in the community, which play a very important role in disease outbreak control services. Community nurses need to investigate the disease and control the spread of germs among those infected with COVID-19 in the community. The objectives must be established and an effective home visit is planned to strictly coordinate with the health team to be ready before visiting the home. They must also have knowledge and skills in infectious disease control and risk assessment to suit the situation. These are to reduce the chance of risk of infection when performing duties and prevent the spread of infection in the community.

Development of competencies in epidemiological knowledge and information, and communication technology skills in speaking and writing of community nurses to be able to promote the performance of duties in dealing with COVID-19. Hence, making them more effective, as well as becoming an important force in ending the COVID-19 epidemic that is becoming more and more severe both at the community and national levels.


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How to Cite

Artsanthia, J., Tungsaengsakul, S., & Chaleoykitti, S. (2022). New normal Home Visit: Thai Community Nurses’ Roles in the Prevention and Control of Coronavirus (Covid-19) Outbreak within the Urban Healthcare setting. Journal of health and health management, 8(1), 1–13. retrieved from



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