The perception of Needs in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: COPD patients and caregivers for Palliative care : Phenomenological Study


  • Kulpicha Vetcharatpimol Faculty of Nursing, Saint Louis College
  • Wanida Srivorakul Faculty of Nursing, Saint Louis College
  • Patchara Tacho Nursing Department, Saint Louis hospital
  • Sirinya Chumtem Nursing Department, Saint Louis hospital
  • Itthaporn Kumkoom Nursing Department, Saint Louis hospital


perception needs, palliative care, patients, relatives, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease


The objectives of this phenomenon study of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), the perception and need for palliative care of patients with COPD and their relatives. The sample consisted of 11 patients and 11 relatives total 22 patients and their relatives. Data were collected by in-depth interviews, focus group and non-participatory observation. Three experts had validated the Perception and Need questionnaire with the result of CVI  0.82 . Data of questionnaire were analyzed by statistical computer program while the qualitative data were analysed by content analysis.The research results revealed that patients perceived COPD as an incurable disease.They felt it was a burden on the family and it incurred unnecessary cost for medical treatment. The relatives and caregivers felt that these patients need palliative care. The relatives and caregivers also believed that it was an incurable and caused undue suffering. They understood the nature and the course of the disease. They knew how to handle the basic conditions of the patients and accept the consequences of the patients’condition, economic and social reconciliation, income reduction as a result from the time off work, or the need to hire someone to care for the patients. However, most caretakers do not understand the principles of palliative care. It was found that more than 60 percent wanted to learn the model of palliative care. Therefore, palliative care concepts and practices should be promoted in the patients and their relatives have a proper understanding of palliative care. Palliative care skills are developed to help COPD patients improve their health and quality of life. In doing so, when it is time to leave the present life, the patients and family members will have good memories filled with love and compassions.


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How to Cite

Vetcharatpimol, K., Srivorakul, W., Tacho, P., Chumtem, S., & Kumkoom, I. (2021). The perception of Needs in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: COPD patients and caregivers for Palliative care : Phenomenological Study. Journal of health and health management, 7(1), 49–59. retrieved from



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