Factors Effecting on Learning Behaviors with Students’ Online Learning in Saint Louis College from COVID-19 Situations
internal and external factors, learning behaviors with students’ online learningAbstract
This study was predictive research. The purpose of this study was to predict the learning behaviors with students’ online learning in Saint Louis College from COVID-19 situations. The samples were 257 of the first to fourth year students from 3 faculties. The samples were selected by multi-stage random sampling. The research tools were questionnaires consisting of personal data, factors effecting on learning behaviors and learning behaviors with students’ online learning. The content validity of the questionnaires was .98, .94 and its reliability was .97, and .98, respectively. The data were analyzed by frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, pearson’s product moment correlation coefficient and stepwise multiple regression.
The results indicated that the students had average scores of learning behaviors with students’ online learning at moderate level (= 3.27, SD=.33). The internal factors such as learning attitude and student adaptability, external factors such as teaching behavior of instructors, physical condition, availability of media/technology were statistically significant at the positive moderate relationship with students’ learning behaviors at p<.01 (r=.237, .409, .525, .407, and .301, respectively). Student adaptability, teaching behavior of instructors, and learning attitude could predict students’ learning behaviors statistically significantly at .01 and .001 levels. The predicting power was 35.0%. This study suggests that the administrators and faculties should be aware of and undertake relevant actions to develop good learning behaviors with students’ online learning.
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