The Relationships between Personal Data, Attitude towards Health Care and Self-Health Care Behaviors of Nursing Students at Saint Louis College during Practice in the Maternal-Newborn and Midwifery Nursing Practicum II


  • มาลีวัล เลิศสาครศิริ สาขาวิชาการพยาบาลมารดา ทารก และการผดุงครรภ์ คณะพยาบาลศาสตร์ วิทยาลัยเซนต์หลุยส์


self-health care behaviors, personal data, attitude to health care


This study was a correlational research. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships between personal data, attitude towards health care and self-health care behaviors of nursing students at Saint Louis College during practice in the maternal-newborn and midwifery nursing practicum II. The samples were 92 third year nursing students at Saint Louis College during the practice in the maternal-newborn and midwifery nursing practicum II in the second semester of the academic year 2015. The samples were selected by simple random sampling. The research tool was a questionnaire that included personal data, attitude towards health care, and the self-health care behavior. The questionnaire was validated by a group of 3 experts. Its content validity index (CVI) was 0.80 and the reliability was 0.93. The data were analyzed for frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, Chi-square-test and Pearson product moment correlation coefficient. The results indicated that the third years nursing students had average scores for the attitude towards health care of 4.09, a good level, and the average scores of the self-health care behavior was 2.68, a moderate level. On the other hand, in the personal data only age had a statistically significant relationships with the self-health care behavior in successful life at p<0.01 (χ2= 22.51). The attitude towards health care was statistically significant at the positive moderate relationship with self-health care behavior of interpersonal relation of successful life with an overall of p<0.01 (r = 0.51, 0.47 and 0.39, respectively). However, the attitude towards health care was statistically significant at the positive low relationship with the self-health care behavior in stress management at p<0.05 (r = 0.23). This study suggests that the important things of promoting self-health care behavior is by providing activities for the students in order to increase attitude towards health care for the good health.


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How to Cite

เลิศสาครศิริ ม. (2016). The Relationships between Personal Data, Attitude towards Health Care and Self-Health Care Behaviors of Nursing Students at Saint Louis College during Practice in the Maternal-Newborn and Midwifery Nursing Practicum II. Journal of Health and Health Management, 3(1), 37–47. Retrieved from



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