Financial Therapy for Strengthening Health of Pathological Gambling Patients


  • รพีพงค์ ยังวราสวัสดิ์ โรงพยาบาลจุฬาเวช อ.เมือง จ.สมุทรปราการ


financial therapy, pathological gambling, strengthening health


The purposes of this quasi-experimental research with pretest- posttest design were to study the effectiveness and strengthening health of pathological gambling patients. As pathological gambling is an urge to gamble continuously despite harmful negative consequences or a desire to stop. It is a psychological symptom associated with both social and family problems such as stealing behavior, prostitution, self-harm and suicide. The patient will be urged with the money game nearly close with the substance and the views of the pathological gambling and obsessive-compulsive disorder. The patient will seek to activate the brain’s reward mechanisms while the behaviors characterizing obsessive-compulsive disorder are prompted by overactive and misplaced signals from the brain’s fear mechanisms. The purpose of financial therapeutic in pathological gambling patients is to study the health of the patients. The patient has more self-esteem. The patient has life balance which is not preoccupied with the gambling. The sample of the study is 6 persons who have the criteria follow the American Psychiatric Association (APA). The research starts in 25 June 2016 till 16 July 2017. The total period of time 13 months. The research instruments were the financial therapy model for strengthening health of pathological gambling patients with IOC ranged from 0.66-1.00. Questionnaire is the data collection of the research with content validity 0.811 analyze with descriptive statistics by and Standard deviation. The research results were the patient has more self-esteem with a good relationship with the family. The patient is not preoccupied with the gambling and well-being life balance for daily life function.


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How to Cite

ยังวราสวัสดิ์ ร. (2018). Financial Therapy for Strengthening Health of Pathological Gambling Patients. Journal of health and health management, 4(1-2), 43–53. retrieved from



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