Root canal treatment of a maxillary lateral incisor with type II dens invaginatus: Case study
dens invaginatus, root canal treatment, passive ultrasonic irrigation techniqueAbstract
This case study aimed to report non-surgical root canal treatment of maxillary lateral incisor with type II dens invaginatus. The treatment included the following steps; clinical and radiographic examination to evaluate anatomical features in the root canal system, access opening to root canal by an ultrasonic tip, mechanical instrumentation, root canal irrigation by anti-microbial irrigants with passive ultrasonic irrigation technique in order to effectively clean the root canal system and medication with calcium hydroxide. When absence of clinical symptom, root canal filling was performed with lateral compaction and warm vertical compaction technique; this technique helped increase the sealing ability, particularly in irregular root canal system. The tooth was restored with resin composite to seal against leakage. Healing of periapical lesion has been found after a six-month follow up indicated a satisfied outcome in this case. Treatment options of dens invaginatus depend on anatomical features in the root canal system. It is crucial to use appropriate instruments and treatment technique in order to treat dens invaginatus successfully.
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