Quality of Life among Elderly People with Chronic Diseases during the First Wave of COVID-19 in Ubon Ratchthani Province


  • Panita Krongyuth Dr.


Quality of life, Services Care, COVID-19, Elderly, Chronic Diseases


This mixed-method study aimed to determine an impact of COVID-19 outbreak on quality of life and services care needs among elderly people with chronic diseases. One hundred and thirty-three elderly people with chronic diseases dwelling in Warinchamrab district, Ubon Ratchathani province were recruited to assess Quality of Life level (QoL) and health service needs. The participants completed a Thai version of the brief form of the WHO quality of life assessment instrument (WHOQOL-BREF-THAI) and the Health Service Care Needs Survey assessed care needs. Fourteenth of them accepted to be participants interviewed about impact of COVID-19 on their quality of life. Content analysis was used to analyze data from in-depth interviews.

The findings revealed that QoL level of participants reported in overall dimension was low, while level of their social domain moderated. Furthermore, overall health services care needs level was moderate and psychological and social level was high. Content analysis of the interview data illustrated that psychological distress comprised of disease severity, losing friends and loneliness, and financial impact to QoL. Moreover, adopted new technology affected a new lifestyle.

The COVID-19 pandemic can influence various aspects of individuals’ QoL, as well as their physical and psychological health. Health services care in community are needed to mitigate the negative effects of pandemic and improved the health and QoL of elderly people with chronic diseases. It is recommended that the stress management intervention to reduce psychological impact of COVID-19.  


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