The Study of Knowledge, Attitude and Practice concerning Breast Cancer among Woman Attending Khartoum Breast Care Centre, Sudan, 2020


  • Mohamed Bushara Faculty of Public Health & Informatics, Umm-Al-Qura University, KSA
  • Hatim Rahmtalah University of Bahri, Sudan
  • Fadhel Ali Mohammed University of Bahri, Sudan


Breast cancer, Knowledge, attitude and practice, Khartoum Breast Care Centre


Abstract: Breast cancer is an abnormal growth of cells, which tend to proliferate in an uncountable way. It develops from breast tissue and impacts 2.1 million women each year, and causes the greatest number of cancer-related deaths among women. A cross-sectional descriptive institutional based study was conducted with the aim to assess knowledge, attitude and practice among women with breast cancer or at risk, aged range between15-65 years attending Khartoum Breast Care Centre. A total of 384 participants were selected by systematic random sampling techniques and data was collected by a questionnaire and analyzed by using (SPSS). Chi-square test was employed to test the association between different variables. The study showed that 55.5% and 80% of the participants had good knowledge concerning signs and symptoms and the risk factors of the breast cancer respectively. 42.2% of the participants accept the infection with breast cancer. 35.9% and 49.2% of the participants make clinical and breast cancer self-examination respectively. There is significant association between knowledge and breast cancer self examination at p < .000. There is significant association between attitudes of the respondents towards the infection with breast cancer and practicing breast cancer self examination at p < .024. Although, the participants have good knowledge (80%), concerning the risk factors of breast cancer and favorable attitudes (80.2%), towards the infected person, there is poor practice (35.9%), concerning clinical breast cancer test.

Author Biography

Hatim Rahmtalah, University of Bahri, Sudan

University of Bahri,Sudan


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