Electronic Management of Records in the Health Institutions of Ghana and Its Effects on Healthcare Delivery: A Review of Record Automation Processes of Trust Hospital and Midway Clinic


  • Edward Brenya Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology
  • Louisa Addo Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology


Healthcare information, Healthcare information system, Electronic health record


The study examines the record automation processes and management of healthcare records adopted and practiced at Ghana’s health institutions and its effects on healthcare delivery services using The Trust Hospital Company Limited and Midway Clinic, Accra. It adopted a cross-sectional study design and using a simple random sampling method, it selected sample size of 175 employees from both health care centres. Quantitative data collected through questionnaires was analysed with SPSS version 23. The results revealed that the record automation processes used by the Trust Hospital and Midway Clinic are Computer-based Patient Record (CPR), Zen Medic Hospital Management System, Hospital Administration and Management System [HAMS], Personal Health Record (PHR) and Electronic Medical Record (EMR). The record automation processes enhance work efficiency, improves communication and information sharing. It also provides timely access to medical reports and reduces patients waiting time as well as enhances the management of medical procedures. The challenges associated with the use of record automation systems includes fluctuation in power supply, non-user-friendly system capabilities, lack of financial incentives to support the adoption of electronic record system, difficulty in entering diagnoses, resistance to change by workers and network inconsistencies. Therefore, the study recommends that management should put in place advanced cloud computing systems in order to store up all information to prevent possible loss of information in case the system is hacked.


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