Dual Role Conflict and Withdrawal Behaviour of Hospital Female Nurses in Semarang Regency


  • Tri Ismu Pujiyanto Karya Husada Health and Science College of Semarang, Indonesia
  • Aachmad Syaifudin Karya Husada Health College Semarang, Indonesia


Dual role conflict, female nurses, withdrawal behavior


Background: Central Java is one of opened provinces to female nurses, with an average of 70% female nurses per hospital. Women who become wives and mothers as well as workers, tend to lead them to a conflict of dual roles, and this situation will impact to the performance result. Objectives: To find out relationship of dual roles conflict to withdrawal behavior of female Nurses in RSUD Ungaran.  Research Methods: research study used was quantitative research with a correlational research method, design of the research used a cross sectional approach. There are 78 Female Nurses population involved in this study and sample of 65 respondents. The sampling technique of this study was purposive sampling.  Results: 58.5% of female Nurses in RSUD Ungaran, Semarang regency do not experience dual role conflict, and 66.2% do not experience withdrawal behavior. Conclusion: there is a significant relationship between dual role conflict with withdrawal behavior in female Nurses. Recommendation: RSUD Ungaran should allocate training and provide facilities to reduce dual role conflict for Female Nurses.


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