The Association between the Application of Nursing Ethics Principles (Beneficence and Justice Principles) and Quality of Nursing Care at Dr. Pirngadi General Hospital, Medan


  • Ivan Elisabeth Purba Graduate School, Public Health Science, Sari Mutiara Indonesia University
  • Taruli Rohana Sinaga Public Health Science Study Program Sari Mutiara Indonesia University
  • Rinco Siregar Sari Mutiara Indonesia University


Breast Cancer, Quality of Life, Palliative Care


Breast cancer is one of the most common cancr in women wotdlwide. The occurrence of breast canceris very diverse, resulting from the internal and external factors of individuals. Patients diagnosed with breast cancer will experience social, medical, psychological, spiritual, and physical problems, which can affect quality of life. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between palliative care and quality of life among patients with breast cancer at Adam Malik Central General Hospital. This study was a cross sectional study. Eighty three (83) patients with breast cancer were selected by purposive sampling technique. The EORTC QLQ-C30 Indonesian Version 28 item questionnaire and 43 item questionnaire of Palliative care were used for data collection to measures the variables. The data were analyzed by frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation and chi-square test. The results of this study found that patients with breast cancer accepted palliative care in the high level (67.5%), and quality of life of patients with breast cancer was high (89.2%). There was a significant association between palliative care and the quality of life of patients with breast cancer (P= 0.001,< 0.05).Health care providers should promote palliative care to patients diagnosed with brast cancer to increase their perception and quality of life.


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