Multidimensional Perspective Quality of Life among Patients with Stroke in UPT Social Service Further Age of Binjai Social Service North Sumatera Province, 2019


  • Johansen Hutajulu Sari Mutiara Indonesia University
  • Henny Syapitri Nursing Study Program Faculty of Pharmacy and Health Sciences Sari Mutiara Indonesia University
  • Putri Anwari Nursing Study Program Faculty of Pharmacy and Health Sciences Sari Mutiara Indonesia University
  • Amila Nursing Study Program Faculty of Pharmacy and Health Sciences Sari Mutiara Indonesia University
  • Yunida T. Simanjuntak Nursing Study Program Faculty of Pharmacy and Health Sciences Sari Mutiara Indonesia University


multidimensional, quality of life, stroke


            Stroke causes defects that affect quality of life. The change in the quality of life is multidimensional in the form of physical, psychological, level of independence, social, environmental, and the spiritual. The purpose of this research is to explore multidimensional perspective of the quality of life among patients with stroke at UPT. Social services elderly Binjai. Research design is a study of phenomenology with a transcendent approach. Its population is the entire elderly who have stroke disease. Participant’s retrieval techniques with purposive sampling as many as eight participants. Data collection instruments using voice recorder, interview guides and field notes. Data collection with an interview in-depth and open-ended questions. Data analysis using Colaizzy and Nvivo methods version 12.0. The results showed that stroke patients experienced changes in the physical dimensions of declining physical strength, changes in comfort and sleep disorders. Psychological dimension of self-image change, positive prejudice, memory decline. The dimension of self-reliance is tool dependency, change in work ability, drug dependence. Social dimension occurs social change and sexual needs. Environmental dimensions, increased environmental comfort changes, source of income and low disease information. The spiritual dimension, the occurrence of increased proximity to God, so that the process of self-adaptation. These six dimensions strongly affect each other in the quality of life changes in stroke patients. Recommended to the health care unit to pay attention to the dimensions of life quality of stroke patients in meeting the needs of both physical and mental.


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