Measurement of Choroidal Thickness and Volume with Spectral Domain Optical Coherence Tomography: Variation with Age, Gender and Ethnicity


Shakira Jeffrey
Shelina Oli Mohammed
Jemaima Che Hamzah
Nor Fariza Ngah



To evaluate the subfoveola choroidal thickness (SFCT) and choroidal volume (CV) in variation to age, gender and ethnicity among healthy individuals.

Study design and method:

This was a cross sectional study done in Selayang Hospital. A total number of 113 healthy subjects were recruited. All subjects were scanned using the spectral domain-optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT) machine using the enhance depth imaging (EDI) mode. The subfoveola choroidal thickness and choroidal volume were then measured using the build-in thickness map software of the proprietary machine and were then evaluated in variation to age, gender and ethnicity.


The overall mean age was 39.58 (±14.71) years. Mean SFCT was 320.08 (±56.08) μm and mean CV was 8.10 (±1.212) mm3. Linear regression analysis showed reduction of 1.78 μm of thickness and 0.042 mm3 of volume respectively per year of age. The mean SFCT in males was 335.13(±58.93) μm and 307.25(±50.55) µm in females. Mean CV was 8.52(±1.35) mm3 for males and 7.74(±0.96) mm3 for females. Indians had mean SFCT 342.18 (±55.08) µm and CV 8.58(±1.01) mm3. There were no significant differences of these values between Malay and Chinese groups with p values >0.95.



SFCT and CV decreases with age. Females had generally thinner SFCT and lesser CV as compared to males. There were no significant variations of SFCT and CV between ethnic groups.  However Indian subgroup had a greater SFCT and CV.


Original Study


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