Choroidal Melanoma: Experience From A Tertiary Referral Centre In Malaysia

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Li Ying Long
Roslin Azni Abdul Aziz


Background: Choroidal melanoma is known as the most common primary intraocular malignancy in adults. Nevertheless, it is more commonly found in Caucasians and rarely found in Malaysian population.

Objective: We present eight cases of choroidal melanoma referred to Hospital Selayang, a tertiary centre for medical retinal cases, from 2012 to 2016.

Method: Retrospective case series.

Results: There were six females and two males with a mean age was 53.9 years old. Five patients were Chinese and three were Malay. The presenting complaints included visual field defect (n=3), distorted vision (n=2), photopsiae (n=2) and decreased vision (n=1). The tumour thickness ranged from 3.00 to 13.94 mm (mean=8.93mm). Two cases had exudative retinal detachment while the remaining had adjacent sub-retinal fluid. Three patients had undergone globe-preserving therapy (plaque brachytherapy and stereotactic radiotherapy) while the remaining had undergone enucleation or exenteration. The histopathological examinations showed three cases of spindle B cells, one with epitheliod cells and one with mixed features. All patients were well under regular follow-up and there was no reported recurrences or distant metastasis till date.

Conclusions: Although choroidal melanoma is very rare among Malaysian population, it is a crucial diagnosis to make in view of its metastatic risks. Early presentation and diagnosis of choroidal melanoma is significant to save lives.

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Case Report


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