Hydroxychloroquine Retinopathy among Rheumatoid Patients on Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) Therapy in Malaysia
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Objective: To determine the correlation between age, duration and accumulative dose of Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) usage in HCQ retinopathy.
Methods: This cross-sectional study recruited 130 rheumatoid patients on HCQ therapy. The macula thickness and volume were measured by Spectra-Domain Optical Coherence Tomography (SD-OCT), while visual field examination was performed using Humphrey visual field 24-2 (HVF).
Results: The incidence of HCQ retinopathy observed in rheumatology patients in this study was 1.54% (2 out of 130 patients). No significant difference was noted between mean age of HCQ retinopathy patients (50.5 ± 3.53 years) compared to non-retinopathy patients (42 ± 14 years, P = .39). Similarly, no significant median duration of HCQ intake was observed between retinopathy patients (5475 days, IQR = 0) and non-retinopathy patients (2190 days, IQR = 2555, P = .11). The median daily dose of HCQ did not reveal a significant difference between retinopathy patients (250 mg/d, IQR = 0) and non-retinopathy patients (200 mg/d, IQR = 0, P = .11). Likewise, no significant difference exist in the median accumulative dose of HCQ retinopathy patients (1460 g, IQR = 0), compared to non-retinopathy patients (474.5 g, IQR = 450, P = .1). Overall, the association factor between age, duration and cumulative dose to HCQ retinopathy were not significant (P > .05). However, the average macular thickness and macular volume were significantly lesser in inner macula among retinopathy patients (P < .05).
Conclusion: This study showed no statistically significant relationship was noted between age, duration of HCQ intake, cumulative and the daily dose of HCQ to retinopathy
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