Barefoot Running

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Onwaree Ingkatecha


Running is one of the most popular sport activities which millions of people have engaged in. It is convenient, inexpensive and offers numerous health benefits. With a pair of shoes, people can start running. The modern running shoes have been thought of a protective device from different surfaces and environment. Shock attenuation has been one of the primary roles for running shoes to provide shock absorption. The various materials have been added to improve the wearer’s performance and impact force reduction but some researchers concluded that expensive running shoes were no better at reducing impact forces than were low-cost shoes as well as other studies which postulated that barefoot running could reduce impact force. In addition, the incidences of running and overload injuries which occur as a result of repetitive microtrauma from chronic loading of skeleton, especially lower extremities, had risen as well. With the release of the book about Tamahumara Indians in Mexico, Born to Run, barefoot running has seen a rise in popularity over the last half a decade. There still are the controversial issues if barefoot running is helpful or harmful. Some studies showed the impact reduction which leads to injury prevention while some studies argued that it could stimulate more injuries and long-term effects on feet. There are still a lot of debates over barefoot running about benefits and safety. However, this trend has spread to the footwear manufacturers. The minimalist shoes which offer little protection on the heel have been launched to the market.

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