Development of Expectancy-Value model of achievement choice in sport Questionnaire

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อภิญญา ดัชถุยาวัตร
นฤพนธ์ วงศ์จตุรภัทร
พิชิต เมืองนาโพธิ์
ภัทรพร สิทธิเลิศพิศาล


Expectation is an important factor of motivation that effects to peak performance.  A standard expectancy test for athletes is not yet found in Thailand. The purpose of this study was then to develop the Expectancy-Value of Achievement Questionnaire for Thai athletes according to the model of Expectancy–Value Theory  (Eccle et al., 1983). The questionnaire which represented the domains of the Eccle’s expectancy – value model was designed to measure expectancy-related beliefs and subjective task value in athletes. The questionnaire was taken, adapted and developed into Thai. The questionnaire consisted of 12 items with 7-point Likert scale; it was tested with test-retest design of 1 week with 36 sports school athletes. Internal consistency with Cronbach’s alpha was used for analysis. The results of the study were found that the Expectancy-Value Model of Achievement Choice in Sport Questionnaire showed good reliability and validity at test-retest reliability for correlation with first and second test  (r = .82) and it also showed good internal consistency with Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of the first and second tests (α = .90). The result also showed that no gender differences in expectancy-related beliefs and subjective task values (p = .79), but there were differences for medalists in overall scale and subjective task values (p = .02).0therwhile, expectancy-related beliefs in medalists also not difference. (p =.10). Thus, this Expectancy-Value of Achievement Choice in Sport Questionnaire is a reliable and valid instrument for evaluate expectancy-related beliefs and subjective task value.

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