Team-based Learning: From Theory to Practice


  • Sasidhorn Chidnayee


Team-based learning, teaching strategy


Team-based learning (TBL) is an active teaching strategy, focus on students learning through their collaboration process in large classes, which have the higher ratio between teacher and students. There are four essential elements of TBL. 1) properly formed and managed team formation, 2) accountability: individual and group work, 3) frequent immediate student feedback and, 4) assignments that promote both learning and team development. The learning process is composed ofthreephrases: phrase I: preparation, students should be responsibility their assignments. This stage has importance to promote the effective learning, phrase II: Readiness AssuranceProcess (RAP), students collaborate to learn in course contents. This process is to ensure that students have enough knowledge to tackle the higher-order problem in phrase III, and phrase III Application phrase, is the most important process which students present with higher-order application exercise. They make a decision to solve problem through application of course concepts.The role of instructor in TBL is facilitator and content expert. TBL promotes the essential skills for health care providers such as team work, communication, problem solving and critical thinking.


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How to Cite

Chidnayee, S. (2019). Team-based Learning: From Theory to Practice. NU Journal of Nursing and Health Sciences, 12(3), 1–9. Retrieved from