Predictive Factors of Resilience among Elderly with Diabetes


  • Napassakorn Chunsorn
  • Waree Kangchai
  • Sahattaya Rattanajarana


Predictive factors, Resilience, Older adults with diabetes


The purpose of this predictive correlational study were to determine the resilience in odder adults with diabetes andthe predictive factors of resilience among older adults with diabetes. The participants were 108 male and female older adults aged 60 and older who had been diagnosed type 2 diabetes and received care at OPD, Banna Hospital, NakhonNayokprovince between July to August, 2016. They were selected by using simple random sampling technique. Demographic Questionnaire, Perceived Health Status Scale, Coping Scale, Instrumental Activity of Daily Living (Chula ADL Index) Questionnaire, Social Support Questionnaire, and the Resilience Scale were used to collect data. Cronbarch's alpha coefficients of these instruments were .74, .79, .85, .87 and.83 respectively. Descriptive statistics and stepwise multiple regression were used to analyze the data. The results indicated that the mean resilience score of the participants was at a high level ( = 147 .16, SD = 12.32). Social support, perceived health status, and IADLs all together could predict 43.6% of the variance in resilience (R2 = .436, p < .01). These findings suggest that nurses and healthcare staffs should providenursing interventionto enhance social support, perception of health status, and functional activity in order to improve resilience in older adults with diabetes.


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How to Cite

Chunsorn, N., Kangchai, W., & Rattanajarana, S. (2019). Predictive Factors of Resilience among Elderly with Diabetes. NU Journal of Nursing and Health Sciences, 12(2), 12–24. Retrieved from