Palliative Care in District Health System


  • Nithra Kitreerawutiwong
  • Nithra Kitreerawutiwong
  • Sunsanee Mekrungrongwong
  • Orawan Keeratisiroj
  • Jariya Hangsuntea


Palliative care, District Health System, Family Care Team


The traditional concept of palliative care begins when patient was diagnosed from the physician that a cure is no longer possible and becomes to the end of life. However, at the present, palliative care covers the early identification to bereavement management of any kind – physical, psychological, social, and spiritual. It promotes patient adaptation, relieves suffering and enhance quality of life with the time remaining. Palliative care caters in hospital, stand-alone palliative care unit, or patients’ home which were coordinating and contributing to continuum of care. Palliative care concept involves accessibility, planning, preparing team work for identifying patients’ and family needs, patient-center care, holistic care, coordinating for obtaining support from health sector and social sector, and continuity of care. Therefore, district health system should combine health sector, local sector, and people sector working together to serve people in the catchment area. However, at present palliative care in district health system is less integrated. Building a network of palliative care by apply the palliative care concept and integrate the 6 buildings in planning palliative care services will be providing seamless palliative care.


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How to Cite

Kitreerawutiwong, N., Kitreerawutiwong, N., Mekrungrongwong, S., Keeratisiroj, O., & Hangsuntea, J. (2018). Palliative Care in District Health System. NU Journal of Nursing and Health Sciences, 12(1S), 1–12. Retrieved from