Renovascular Hypertension

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Panhathai Kasempim
Surasak Kantachuvesiri


Currently, the evaluation of treatment for hypertension due to abnormal renal artery conditions involves a multidisciplinary medical team, including nephrologists, cardiologists, radiologists, and vascular surgeons. This is because patients with hypertension caused by abnormal renal arteries often exhibit a variety of symptoms, which can lead to cardiovascular complications, resulting in increased morbidity and potentially higher mortality rates. From the past to the present, there have been randomized controlled trials comparing the treatment of hypertension due to abnormal renal arteries using medication versus angioplasty with stent placement. The results of these studies remain inconclusive due to significant limitations in each study. This review aims to compile information on the pathology, clinical symptoms, diagnostic criteria, and current treatment guidelines to provide physicians and researchers with a comprehensive understanding, enabling them to further study the topic or apply this knowledge in patient care.

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How to Cite
Kasempim, P., & Kantachuvesiri, S. (2024). Renovascular Hypertension. Journal of the Nephrology Society of Thailand, 30(3), 207–218. Retrieved from
Review Article


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