Study of triglyceride glucose index and triglyceride-HDL ratio in diagnosis of diabetes mellitus type 2
TyG index, TG/HDL ratio, diabetes mellitus type 2Abstract
The aim of this study is to determine whether the diagnostic accuracy of TyG index or TG/HDL ratio is significant in the diagnosis of T2DM. This study is a retrospective cross-sectional study. The population of interest was people aged 18 years or older who received hospital services from January to December 2023. We collected the data from medical E-database including characteristics of sample and medical history. We compared the capability in diagnosis of T2DM using statistical analysis: sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value and AUC-ROC. The results indicated a total of 8,464 cases, 47.31% were males (4,004 cases) with the mean age 61.70 years (SD=13.96). The T2DM prevalence is 32.21% (2,726 cases). The diagnostic accuracy of TyG index (cut-off point: 8) had a sensitivity of 95.78%, a specificity of 13.56%, PPV of 34.49%, NPV of 87.12% and AUC-ROC of 54.67%. For the TG/HDL ratio (cut-off point: 3), the diagnostic accuracy revealed a sensitivity of 40.68%, specificity of 73.74%, PPV of 42.39%, NPV of 72.35% and AUC-ROC of 57.21%. The findings show that TyG index and TG/HDL ratio are not suitable for diagnosing T2DM. Considering adjusting the cut-off points could improve the accuracy of these tools for screening or diagnosing the disease.
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