Evaluation and policy proposals for management of emergency response operations centers in the case of the new coronavirus disease 2019, Department of Disease Control


  • Pairoj Prompunjai Office of the Senior Expert Committee, Department of Disease Control
  • Anupong Sujariyakul Office of the Senior Expert Committee, Department of Disease Control
  • Pornsak Yoocharoen Office of the Senior Expert Committee, Department of Disease Control
  • Vilailak Haruhaspong Office of the Senior Expert Committee, Department of Disease Control
  • Virat Prawantao Office of the Senior Expert Committee, Department of Disease Control




emergency response operations centers, COVID-19, policy proposals


This qualitative study was conducted to evaluate and review the emergency management of the emergency response operations centers during the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic, and to provide policy proposals for improving the efficiency of the emergency response operations centers of the Department of Disease Control for the coronavirus disease 2019 outbreak. The target groups for the study included the senior executives of the Department of Disease Control, the director of office or division in the Department of Disease Control, and those who carry out missions in the center both centrally and regionally. The study consisted of 2 steps: (1) evaluating and reviewing the management of the center, and (2) making policy proposals. In-depth interview or group interview, online questionnaire, group chat and Delphi technique were conducted. The results of the study found that the strengths include knowledgeable and skilled personnel in incident command system and good working system, having supported laws, resources, budget and information technology; and having strong networking and disease control capacities. Weak points were reported that the incomplete data or information were obtained. The strategy analysis was not aligned with the situation contexts. The personnel struggled with fatigue, stress accumulation, and skills needed to work for others. The
information technology systems had limitations in linking data with other agencies. The standard work procedures did not exist. The command or role assignments were unclearly delivered. The recommendations suggested that the incident commander should be appointed from the position of deputy director-general or above. The courses for executives at the level of deputy director of legal development agencies should be provided as well as the courses for the senior executives from the Ministry of Public Health and other ministries. The proposed policy proposals recommended 3 aspects: personnel, supporting system, and work systems. The personnel aspect mentioned in the incident commander should be appointed from the deputy director-general or above. The manpower reserve plan should be ready to handle the emergency situations at the highest level. Capacity building courses in emergency management should be developed for senior executives from government agencies in different responsibilities including public health, governance, social development and military as well as the advance technical skills for IT personnel. The supporting system aspect included providing welfare, the safety atmosphere, and mental support to the personnel and their
families, developing information systems to be able to support the future responses which can link the data between agencies. having plan to reserve expenses for emergency response operations. The work systems aspect noticed creating action plans or proactive communication strategies in emergency and countering fake news as well as creating a manpower plan that had competencies which match the missions and be able to perform interchangeably.


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How to Cite

Prompunjai P, Sujariyakul A, Yoocharoen P, Haruhaspong V, Prawantao V. Evaluation and policy proposals for management of emergency response operations centers in the case of the new coronavirus disease 2019, Department of Disease Control. Dis Control J [Internet]. 2024 Sep. 18 [cited 2024 Sep. 27];50(3):422-38. Available from: https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/DCJ/article/view/267288



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