Health Literacy for the Opisthorchiasis Prevention behavior among population In the 7 Region Health Center


  • Ratchaneekorn Koonjaetong Office of Disease Prevention and Control, Region 7 Khonkaen
  • Sumalee Chantaluk Office of Disease Prevention and Control, Region 7 Khonkaen
  • Sujinun Treedech Office of Disease Prevention and Control, Region 7 Khonkaen
  • Somchit Phantupo Office of Disease Prevention and Control, Region 7 Khonkaen



health Literacy, behavior, opisthorchiasis


This research is a Cross–Sectional Analytical study aimed to 1) evaluate health literacy level and opisthorchiasis prevention behavior among Thai population aged 15 years and over in the 7 Region Health Center, 2)analyze association between demographics data with health literacy level, and 3) analyze association between health literacy with opisthorchiasis prevention behavior. Research was conducted during March-April 2020. A tool for health literacy measure was developed in 2019 included 3 parts, namely demographics data, health literacy (access to health information and health care service, cognitive, communication skill, self-management, Media literacy and decision skill) related to opisthorchiasis prevention and opisthorchiasis prevention behavior. The result of quality testing a tool showed index of Item objective congruency (IOC) between 0.60–1.00 and IOC = 0.89. Internal consistency reliability = 0.88, analyze confirmatory factor analysis showed the model was fitted to the empirical data Chi-Square =15.091 df= 8 p-value = 0.0574 RMSEA = 0.063 SRMR =0.036 CFI =0.977 TLI = 0.956. Analyze data using descriptive statistics comprised of frequency value, percentage value, mean, standard deviation and inferential statistics by using Chi-Square, Pearson and Spearman correlation statistics. The result showed that 50.6% of study sample had the mean health literacy score at moderate level with the mean score equals to 3.28 (S.D. = 0.67), only 24.1% had high level of prevention behavior and most of them (75.9%) had moderate and low level. Age and education were associated with health literacy (p-value < 0.05). Health literacy components that were associated with preventive behavior included health information and health care service, self-management, decision skill, communication skill and cognitive in Opisthorchiasis prevention (r= 0.242, 0.204. 0.200, 0.134 and 0.125 respectively.) Conclusion and recommendations: The result identified that health literacy was associated with prevention behavior. Healthcare providers should focus on promoting health literacy in every component that align with communities lifestyles and have regular evaluation. These could further improve appropriate Opisthorchiasis prevention behavior.


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How to Cite

Koonjaetong R, Chantaluk S, Treedech S, Phantupo S. Health Literacy for the Opisthorchiasis Prevention behavior among population In the 7 Region Health Center . Dis Control J [internet]. 2021 Dec. 29 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];47(Suppl 2):1191-202. available from: