Knowledge related to contraception, prevention of sexual transmitted diseases/HIV AIDS, consequences of teenage pregnancy, and sexual behaviors of school students in 17 provinces


  • ศิริพร จิรวัฒน์กุล WHO Collaborating Center for Research and Training on Gender and Women’s Health)
  • ยุพา ถาวรพิทักษ์ Faculty of Public Health, Khon Kaen University
  • ปิยะลักษณ์ ภักดีสมัย Phanomphrai Hospital, Roi Et Province



teenage, knowledge, behavior, contraception, prevention of sexual transmitted diseases


This paper was a part of a study to evaluate an integrated approach to addressing the ongoing problem of teenage pregnancy in 17 provinces. It aimed to compare population characteristics, family background, and knowledge related to contraception, prevention of sexual transmitted diseases/HIV/AIDS, consequences of teenage pregnancy, and sexual behaviors between high school students who were in schools located in the city and those in schools out of the city. Survey was employed during July 2016-June 2018. Study population included two groups of students c consisting of (1) grade 8 and grade 10 high school students and (2) the second-year vocational school students (equivalent to grade 11 students) in 17 provinces. Sample size calculation was conducted using estimation of proportion. Two-stage cluster sampling and systematic sampling were used to select student samples. There were 10,025 students participating in the study. Self-administrated questionnaire was used for data collection. Data were analyzed using percentage and 95% confidence interval. It was found that the two groups had no significant difference in population characteristics and family backgrounds. Thirty eight to ninety percent of students in both groups had enough knowledge (more than 70%) on contraception, prevention of sexual transmitted diseases/HIV/AIDS, and the consequences of teenage pregnancy. Differences found between the two groups were the number of students who had sexual experiences, gender, and methods used to prevent pregnancy, sexual transmitted diseases, and HIV/AIDS.


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How to Cite

จิรวัฒน์กุล ศ, ถาวรพิทักษ์ ย, ภักดีสมัย ป. Knowledge related to contraception, prevention of sexual transmitted diseases/HIV AIDS, consequences of teenage pregnancy, and sexual behaviors of school students in 17 provinces. Dis Control J [internet]. 2019 Mar. 27 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];45(1):65-74. available from:



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