The Outcome of GPO-VIR Using at Bamrasnaradura Institute


  • สมคิด อังคศรีทองกุล Bamrasnaradura Institute


GPO-VIR cell count, Bamrasnaradura Institute


The objective of this study was to determine the efficacy and safety of GPO-VIR (fixed-dose combinations of d4T/3TC/NVP) in HIV/AIDS patients at Bamrasnaradura Institute. The data of HIV patients who initiated on GPO-VIR during May and June 2002 were retrospective reviewed. Sex, age, prior ART, CD4 counts, Viral Load, Adverse Drug Reaction and Opportunistic Infection were determined. There were 146 patients of which 115 were ART naive and 31 were ART experienced. Mean CD4 increase of naive and experienced groups at week 24 were 121.42 (n =109) and 108.39 (n =28) cells/mm3, respectively (p = 0.477), at week 48: 173.74(n =57) and 204.50(n =14) cells/mm3 respectively (p = 0.537). Mean CD4 increase with baseline CD4 of 0-100, 101-200 and >200 cells/mm3 at week 24 were 123.46 (n =100), 102.62 (n =26) and 114.18(n =11) cells/mm3 respectively (p = 0.540), at week 48: 169.46(n =52), 203.42(n =12) and 216.14(n =7) cells/mm3 respectively (p = 0.463). HIV RNA<50 copies/ml at week 24 in naive and experienced groups were 55/56 (98.2%) and 17/20(85%) respectively (p = 0.054), at week 48: 35/36(97.2%) and 7/7(100%) respectively (p = 1.000). HIV RNA<50 copies/ml with baseline CD4 of 0-100, 101-200 and >200 cells/mm3 at week 24 were 49/50 (98.0%), 16/19 (84.2%) and 7/7 (100.0%) respectively (p = 0.086), at week 48: 29/30 (96.7%), 8/8 (100.0%) and 5/5 (100.0%) respectively (p = 1.000). No significant differences of mean CD4 increase and virological responses were detected among any groups. ADR were found 12/146 (8.22%), 9/146 (6.16%) discontinued or changed regimens. Rash, peripheral neuropathy and lactic acidosis was found 2/146 (1.37%), 4/146 (2.74%) and 3/146 (2.05%) respectively. Hepatitis, lipodystrophy and both peripheral neuropathy and lactic acidosis were found each 1/146(0.68%). In conclusions, GPO-VIR was effective in the treatment of HIV patients. ADR were less than expected. The efficacy, safety and low cost made GPO-VIR suitable and effective to prolong disease- free survival.


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How to Cite

อังคศรีทองกุล ส. The Outcome of GPO-VIR Using at Bamrasnaradura Institute. Dis Control J [internet]. 2007 Jun. 29 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];33(2):100-1. available from:



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