Health Data Survey of Construction Workers in Thailand in 2009


  • วิวัฒน์ เอกบูรณะวัฒน์ Nopparat Rajathanee Hospital
  • สุทธิพัฒน์ วงศ์วิทย์วิโชติ Chulalongkorn University
  • จิราพร เงินแจ่ม Department of Disease Control


Health behavior, construction worker


Construction workers were large group of workers, estimated of more than 1 million in Thailand, but health data were still limited. This cross sectional survey study aimed to gather general health information of this group of workers to improve health and safety care plans in the future. We surveyed 96 workers who worked in Nakorn Pathom, Songkla, Kon Kean and Rayong provinces. We found 83.3% of construction workers were male, 69.4% were graduated from primary schools low incomes and worked as informal workers. Their average age was 43.4 years. Their average working time was 12.9 years. Their health profiles were not well, high rates of alcoholic consumption and tobacco smoking (77.1 and 66.7% respectively). They exposed to various kind of occupational hazards, high rates of stress, high rates of work-related illness and injury. We concluded that it was important for health and labor organizations to increase concern about health problems of construction workers.


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How to Cite

เอกบูรณะวัฒน์ ว, วงศ์วิทย์วิโชติ ส, เงินแจ่ม จ. Health Data Survey of Construction Workers in Thailand in 2009. Dis Control J [Internet]. 2018 Nov. 18 [cited 2024 Dec. 20];35(4):235-4. Available from:



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