Public Management Concepts: Implication for Capacity Building for Disease Control Organizations


  • พชิรา โรจนพิทยากร Faculty of Political Science, Ramkamhang University


Public management concepts, Disease control organization


Disease control management is a system of coordinated health care interventions and communications for people, which needs technical skill, social skill and management capacity. In disease control organizations, professionals play a major role in organizing and providing disease control programs. However, the organizations are also controlled by the government. This form of the organizations has to follow many bureaucratic rules and strong professional control over the management process. The effectiveness of disease control management depends on management capacity to integrate all resources together. Public management is the subject of a rapidly growing science that is international in scope and multifarious in contents. This article presents the finding of literature review on philosophical investigation, theoretical origin and implication of public management concepts for disease control organizations. The philosophical investigation identify competing philosophical paradigm that underpin contending perspective on what constitutes good public management. It then reviews the evolving literature on the development of administration taught which have theoretical influence from public choice theory and management theory. The earliest conception of public management was as a structure of governance, that is, a formal means for constraining and overseeing the exercise of state authority by public managers, in recent decades, increasing emphasis has been placed on public management as a craft practiced by specific individuals in specific managerial roles. New Public Management (NPM) represent infusion of private style management idea and technique into public services. There are different subtypes reflecting distinct managerial school of taught; 'hard NPM' and 'soft NPM'. The public management concepts move locus of control and absorb professionals into a new management function, 'Soft NPM', associated with human relation school of private sector management rather than account logic, which some implication to disease control organization.


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How to Cite

โรจนพิทยากร พ. Public Management Concepts: Implication for Capacity Building for Disease Control Organizations. Dis Control J [Internet]. 2009 Sep. 30 [cited 2024 Dec. 20];35(3):159-68. Available from:



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