Development of Communicable Disease Surveillance Model in Child Care Center in Trang Province


  • บงกช เชี่ยวชาญยนต์ Office of Disease Prevention and Control 12 Songkhla


Communicable Disease Surveillance, Child Care Center


This action research aimed to develop the communicable disease surveillance model in child care center, Trang Province which was conducted during January to September 2009. The samples were 81 child care staff from 8 child care centers who willing to join in the projects. The implementation was consisted of 3 phases ; preliminary phase, implemented phase and evaluation phase. The data was collected by questionnaire and health card record.and recorded from brain storm meeting and in-depth interview. The results revealed that the ratio of child care staff to child was 1:12. Almost of child care staff (64.2 %) worked in child care centers belonged to local administrative organizations while 35.8% of them worked in private sectors. This action research could improve communicable disease surveillance system in child care centers and child care staffs worked on surveillance the communicable disease with more awareness and self confidence. This results of this study should be proposed by the policy makers to promote the communicable disease surveillance system in child care center and included in the standard indicators for the child care centers.


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How to Cite

เชี่ยวชาญยนต์ บ. Development of Communicable Disease Surveillance Model in Child Care Center in Trang Province. Dis Control J [Internet]. 2010 Sep. 30 [cited 2024 Dec. 20];36(3):170-7. Available from:



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