Adverse Event Following from Measles Mumps Rubella Vaccine in Health Personal at Sisaket Hospital, December 2009


  • นิธิกุล เต็มเอี่ยม Sisaket hospital
  • นวรัตน์ บุญกัณหา Sisaket hospital


Measles Mumps Rubella Vaccine, Adverse event, Srisaket Hospital


In December 2009, there were several heath personal who had previously received the MMR vaccine developed mumps-like symptom. The purposes of this investigation were to verify diagnosis and report the abnormality occurring after having received the vaccine, to locate additional patients, to explain the origination and spread of the disease, sending sample for laboratory confirmation,and to control and prevent the disease. This was a descriptive epidemiology study. It was found thatout of the 218 cases of the Sisaket Hospital personnel who had previously received the MMR vaccine, five people had mumps-like symptom which accounts for 2.29%. The male:female ratio is 1:4. The most popular attack rate, 4.55%, by age group was between 31-40 years. Pain, parotid sublingual and submaxillary saliva gland swelling only one side were side effect of the vaccine. The shortest incubation period was 16 days, the longest was 23 days and the average was 19 days. Comparison of nucleotide between mumps virus strain found in patient and the urabe strain showed 99.68 and 100 percent identity and at amino acid level 98.24 and 100% similarity, respectively. In conclusion, all the patients had a record of being ill after receiving the vaccine. The shortest incubation period were consistent with the incubation period for mumps disease. It was reported that the side effect was usually present symptoms 2 weeks after vaccination. Comparison between mumps virus strain found in patient and the urabe strain showed 98 - 100 percent identity. This epidemiology study suggested continuing monitoring the patients and officers for another month. To prevent the above problems, it was recommended to educate the public health personnel to monitor the side effects of the MMR vaccine that might cause parotiditis from the Urabe strain mumps virus.


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4. คางทูม Mumps. Available from: URL:

5. MMR vaccine. Available from: URL:
6. Immunisation information. Available from: URL:

7. ตารางสร้างเสริมภูมิคุ้มกันโรค. Available from: URL: Vac_Tables.html

8. อุบลรัตน์ นฤพนธ์จิรกุล บรรณาธิการ. แนวทางการเก็บและส่งตัวอย่างตรวจทางห้องปฏิบัติการ กรณีการสอบสวนโรค/ภัย สำหรับ SRRT. นนทบุรี: กระทรวงสาธารณสุข, 2551.




How to Cite

เต็มเอี่ยม น, บุญกัณหา น. Adverse Event Following from Measles Mumps Rubella Vaccine in Health Personal at Sisaket Hospital, December 2009. Dis Control J [Internet]. 2010 Dec. 31 [cited 2024 Jul. 18];36(4):272-81. Available from:



Outbreak Investigation