Chronic Complications of Type II Diabetes Patients Attending a Second Care Unit in Wanon Niwat Hospital in 2008-2009


  • ณัฏฐกานต์ นนทวงค์ Wanon Niwat Hospital, Sakon Nakhon.


Chronic complications of type II diabetes patients, Wanon Niwat Hospital


The objective of this research was to assess the frequency of chronic complications of type II diabetes patients attending a second care unit in Wanon Niwat Hospital during January 2009 to December 2009. A total of 315 type II diabetic patients' records were analyzed. It was found that means of glycosylated hemoglobin namely HbA1C was 9.91, average three monthly fasting plasma glucose levels findings were 140.99 , 142.81 , 144.60 mg/dl respectively, and well controlled systolic blood pressure was 51.4% and diastolic blood pressure was 26%. Besides, hyperglycemia was 4.44%, hypoglycemia was 0.32%, high HbA1c (HbA1C > 9.0) was 46.6%, high HDL was 84.76%, and well controlled triglyceridemia was 56.19%. No CVA (Cerebrovascular accident), CAD (Coronary Artery Disease), PAD (Periphreral Arterial Disease) were reported. Pure Retinopathy was 7.14 %, retinopathy with cataract was 1.79 % , pure cataract was 14.29%. Nephropathy was found in 32.38% by high creatinine, 59.23% by microalbuminuria, 40.77% by Macroalbuminuria. Patient with amputated foot was 0.003% among 315 patients. In conclusion, well control fasting plasma glucose level and blood pressure with specific proper drugs, resulted in no CVA, CAD, PAD, and amputated foot. However Diabetes Mellitus Clinic in Wanon Niwat Hospital needed the development of standard screening procedure for indicators like HbA1c and microalbuminuria in the future.


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How to Cite

นนทวงค์ ณ. Chronic Complications of Type II Diabetes Patients Attending a Second Care Unit in Wanon Niwat Hospital in 2008-2009. Dis Control J [Internet]. 2010 Dec. 31 [cited 2024 Dec. 20];36(4):215-27. Available from:



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