Prevention and Control of Malaria Outbreaks in Ecotourism Areas in Satun Province
Malaria outbreak, tourist areaAbstract
This study aimed to demonstrate a model for prevention and control malaria in ecotourism areas, Satun Province. Data were collected during April - December 2010 and analyzed with descriptive statistics such as frequencies, percentage, mean, standard deviation and pair t-test. The results showed that the epidemics operation room was established to set up the way to achieve the goal, control activities, monitoring and evaluation including stimulating community participation. The active case finding was carried out by health volunteers with high coverage (96-97%) and high detection rate (2-13.5%). The people permitted the officers do residual spray inside house with high coverage (98.22%). The people's knowledge, attitude, and behavior about Malaria were moderate.(mean = 6.92±1.05, mean=23.75±2.12 and mean = 7.58±0.91, respectively). While health volunteers' knowledge about Malaria after training was more than before training with statistical significance differences (p-value < 0.001). The people's satisfaction to epidemics control was high (61.27%) This study suggested us that in ecotourism area, the epidemic operation room must set up timely when outbreak was detected. The community participation should be encouraged to do active surveillance and control the epidemics.
2. URI:จังหวัดสตูล
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