Process of Strategic Policy on Disease Prevention and Control of the Department of Diseases Control, 2010


  • สมหมาย คงกระพันธ์ Office of Secretariat, Department of Disease Control
  • คาวุฒิ ฝาสันเทียะ Office of Secretariat, Department of Disease Control


Strategy for disease prevention and control, Department of Disease Control


This participatory qualitative research was conducted to analyze the strategic policy and the process of strategies policies for diseases prevention and control. The contents of study were collected and presented in 4 perspectives such as financial, customer, internal process and learning & growth in part of strategic policy and in the part of process of strategic policy was detailed on strategic formulation, evaluation & monitoring and transfer to practice. The 56 samples were the administrators and health technical officers worked in the Department of Disease Control in fiscal year 2010. The results revealed that the strategic policy in 4 perspectives were clear and effective. The financial perspective, the fiscal budgets management was set clearly at the beginning of the fiscal year. The customer perspective, the health care networks in district level were emphasized. While internal process perspective, the organization structure and management were adjusted suitably between administration and academic works, including human resource development. The learning and growth perspective, the expert groups were established to provide suggestions to the CEO and develop organization to be an expert organization for prevention and control diseases. The monitoring was performed by the CEO directly and through internal communication routes such as teleconference including, follow up the involved documents monthly, three monthly and yearly. For the transferring policy to practice, the process of transfer to descending organizations were assigned with making a clarify and understandable issues for health officers who practice in the field. This study suggested that strategic policies of prevention and control diseases in the long run should be adjusted by surrounded situations. The CEO should be the leader of change and a new wave generation was urgently developed.


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How to Cite

คงกระพันธ์ ส, ฝาสันเทียะ ค. Process of Strategic Policy on Disease Prevention and Control of the Department of Diseases Control, 2010. Dis Control J [Internet]. 2011 Jun. 30 [cited 2024 Apr. 27];37(2):75-82. Available from:



Original Article