Development of the Capacity of Local Administration Organization for Prevention of Diabetes in Thumbol Srinarong of Surin Province


  • รัตนาภรณ์ ฮิมหมั่นงาน Office of Disease Prevention and Control 5 Nakhonratchasima
  • เปรมปรีดิ์ ชวนะนรเศรษฐ์ Office of Disease Prevention and Control 5 Nakhonratchasima


Local Adminstration Organization, Prevention of Diabetes, Surin Province


This research was a Participatory Action Research to increase the capacity of the Local Organization to be able to manage the disease and raise the level of knowledge and understanding in the development process, quality of diabetes in the community through the involvement of community leaders, communities, civil society organizations at all levels and academic areas, from planning, implementation problems observed and record reflection, feedback and follow-up evaluation. The team consisted of local officers, researchers and the community. The study included 276 households from 3 village in Sri Narong Chumphon Buri, Surin Province. The samples were divided into groups of diabetic patients, people at risk of diabetes and the normal group. Data was collected through questionnaires, group discussion, report of activities, knowledge of diabetes testing, weight and waist measurement, blood sugar levels. The data was analyed using average frequency of Paired t-test and qualitative clustering and content - based analysis. The study period was March 2553 - February 2554. The study found 1) Local organization had an analysis of the situation, context and data related to the study. 2) There was network establiment for partners to Work together. 4) work with the PDCA. 5) The follow-up evaluation and activities in the village including a blood test to screen for diabetes, exercise with different ways of weaving reed, cleaning the house and around the house, foot massage with a coconut shell and the wisdom to treat diabetes, educating through broadcast was initiated. The knowledge of Diabetes in patient, risk group and normal people participants were 75.4, 62.5 and 70.3 percent respectively, and were higher than before the operation. There were no statistically difference of weight, waist measurement before and after the operation. There was significantly different of the average blood sugar levels before and after operation at the level of 0.05. Developing the capacity of local organization and the public sector in the diabetes prevention and control could be handled with the participation of the community in every step and disease prevention activities in the community.


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How to Cite

ฮิมหมั่นงาน ร, ชวนะนรเศรษฐ์ เ. Development of the Capacity of Local Administration Organization for Prevention of Diabetes in Thumbol Srinarong of Surin Province. Dis Control J [Internet]. 2011 Sep. 30 [cited 2024 Dec. 20];37(3):160-9. Available from:



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