Attitude and Concept of AIDS, Sex Education and Life Skills Management Learning for Youth in Academic Institute


  • นุชนารถ แก้วดำเกิง Bureau of AIDS, T.B. and STIs Department of Disease Control
  • ชีวนันท์ เลิศพิริยสุวัฒน์ Bureau of AIDS, T.B. and STIs Department of Disease Control
  • กฤตยา กล่ำวิจิตร Bureau of AIDS, T.B. and STIs Department of Disease Control


AIDS, Sex education, Youth in Academic Institute


The objective of this study was to compare knowledge, perception, attitude and concept about AIDS, sex education and life skills among participants of the training course. The results of this study will develop the training guideline of AIDS, sex education and life skills. Questionnaires were used for this study and collected before and after training with the participants who were officer of Education Service Area Office, Disease Prevention and Control Office, Provincial Public Health Office, Region Health Promotion Center, and Region Mental Health Center. The total of available questionnaires were 239 at the beginning (pretest) and 212 at the end (post-test). The data were analyzed using frequency distribution, percentage, mean and standard deviation. The results found that the knowledge and perception about AIDS, sex education and life skills at the end was higher than the beginning (percentage were 74.53 %, and 48.54 %). Knowledge needs assessment; participants need to know about reproductive health, STIs, and unwanted pregnancy and abortion (percentage were 21.97 % , 20.20 %, and 19.32 % respectively). The results from qualitative data found that the idea for teaching sex education16 hours per year can be done by giving a policy from Educational Ministry and Office of Basic Education Commission. It also can be integrated with school curriculum because it is useful curriculum for their students. Some of them disagree; the reasons are having many jobs, lack of teacher, unclear policy and lack of budget or less. Most of education institutes and organizations both have an AIDS and STIs curriculum to teach or train their clients. In addition, it found the problems of AIDS, sex education and life skills learning activities were having more contents in curriculum, lack of learning activities that enhancing understanding AIDS, sex education and life skills. The problems that occurred from teacher were teaching skills, lack of knowledge and information. Unclear policy from Educational Ministry and not supported continuity from the executive of each academic institute is one factor that effecting to success.


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How to Cite

แก้วดำเกิง น, เลิศพิริยสุวัฒน์ ช, กล่ำวิจิตร ก. Attitude and Concept of AIDS, Sex Education and Life Skills Management Learning for Youth in Academic Institute. Dis Control J [Internet]. 2012 Dec. 31 [cited 2024 Dec. 20];38(4):326-38. Available from:



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