Tuberculosis Treatment Regimens in Patients Experiencing Liver Toxicity due to Short Course Chemotherapy at Bamrasnaradura Infectious Disease Institute between 2005-2009


  • ถิรนันท์ กลัดพ่วง Bamrasnaradura Infectious Disease Institute
  • ธนิยา เชี่ยวชาญ Bamrasnaradura Infectious Disease Institute
  • รัชนู เจริญพักตร์ Bamrasnaradura Infectious Disease Institute


Antituberculosis drugs, Liver toxicity


The objectives of this retrospective study were to survey tuberculous regimens in patients experiencing liver toxicity after short course chemotherapy and treatment outcome of these patients on different drug regimens. The study was conducted between October 2010 and December 2011 in patients who were diagnosed liver toxicity after commencing short course regimen at Bamrasnaradura Infectious Disease Institute between 2005-2009. The drug regimens were selected based on the possibility of less toxic to liver. Individual patient's record form was used. The study revealed 176 patients had liver toxicity. Top three interventions were (1) stop RF continuing INH and PZA (92, 52.3%) (2) stop PZA and RF remains INH (41, 23.3%) and (3) stop INH, RF, PZA and change regimen to EMB+ Aminoglycoside+ Fluoroquinolone (38, 21.6%). Most of patients have not gone through antituberculosis drugs rechallenge (113, 64.2%), despite 63 patients (35.8%) had it. 42 patients (23.9%) didn't suffer from repeated liver toxicity. The treatment outcome in the selected regimens were not quite promising with : success 43.2%, death 18.2% and transfer out 22.7% respectively.


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How to Cite

กลัดพ่วง ถ, เชี่ยวชาญ ธ, เจริญพักตร์ ร. Tuberculosis Treatment Regimens in Patients Experiencing Liver Toxicity due to Short Course Chemotherapy at Bamrasnaradura Infectious Disease Institute between 2005-2009. Dis Control J [Internet]. 2018 Nov. 15 [cited 2024 Jul. 18];38(4):306-17. Available from:



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