Developing Model Community for Watching Out and Receiving Complaint of Alcoholic Drinks in Case of 7 Pilot Communities and One Network


  • เพลินพิศ พรหมมะลิ Office of the Alcohol Control Committee
  • เพ็ญศรี ปัญญาตั้งสกุล Office of the Alcohol Control Committee
  • ภควดี โภคากรณ์ Office of the Alcohol Control Committee
  • นฤมล เกิดโฉม Office of the Alcohol Control Committee



Watching out and Receiving Complaint of Alcoholic Drinks, 7 Pilot Communities and one Network


Developing the pilot community for watching out and receiving complaint of alcoholic drinks among 7 communities and one network in Bangkok could help to reinforce the original capital within communities becoming more strengthening and empowering. Communities could integrate the former work into the implementation of pilot communities for watching out and receiving complaint of alcoholic drinks. The reinforcement of mutual implementation resulted that groceries and stores within community broke a law decreasingly. Because these stores were situated in communities, we could launch the mechanism of community leader both natural leader and volunteer mind leader who could help to inform and warn, and initiate the learning of measure and law so that the groceries and stores could understand and work in collaboration with abiding by law. Pub, discotheque, bar, karaoke, liquor shop, cart shop, and convenience store broke a law increasingly. It was indicated that the drinkers tried to find other more channels for buying alcoholic drinks instead of former channel that they have ever bought easily from the stores in communities. Community leader could access to these shops and stores difficultly, because the shopkeepers were capitalists or persons living outside communities. They had no sense of ownership of communities. Therefore, the power from external organization such as the municipal office and the police could reinforce the communities for watching out, support learning and law enforcement so that these shops and stores could obey by law increasingly. However, strengthening communities need collaboration with involved multi-professional members actually and continuously. They should help to think, do, take benefit and think with integration in order to build environment facilitating to good health, reduce risk area in communities including implementation of watching out, group activities, campaign and public relations, and communication throughout all groups within communities.


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How to Cite

พรหมมะลิ เ, ปัญญาตั้งสกุล เ, โภคากรณ์ ภ, เกิดโฉม น. Developing Model Community for Watching Out and Receiving Complaint of Alcoholic Drinks in Case of 7 Pilot Communities and One Network. Dis Control J [Internet]. 2012 Dec. 31 [cited 2024 Jul. 18];38(4):288-9. Available from:



Original Article