Associated Risk Behaviors of Increasing Chronic Disease in Thai Population Policy Implication to Effectively Develop NCD Preventive Strategies


  • ศิริลักษณ์ จิตต์ระเบียบ Bureau of Non-Communicable Diseases Department of Disease Control



Associated Risk Behaviors, non-communicable diseases, Policy NCD preventive strategies


This study focused on the situation of associated risk behaviors as the major causes of increasing chronic disease population size. Literature review (Documentary Research), secondary data were collected from the survey and report findings which related to non-communicable diseases and associated risk behaviors. Data were analyzed and synthesized to develop recommendation for the effectively developed preventive chronic disease strategic policy. The results revealed that the high proportion of burden of disease were risk factor for chronic disease in both behavioral and metabolic changes in either metabolism or physiology. Furthermore, the study showed that risk factor of DALYs in male were alcohol consumption and tobacco use respectively link to high blood pressure whereas unused of helmet of motorcyclists related to high cholesterol level, while in female were overweight and obesity (high BMI) and unsafe sex respectively related to high blood pressure, meanwhile tobacco use and low intake of fruit and vegetable associated to high cholesterol level. Moreover, The most risk factor of burden of disease was alcohol consumption which related to leading disease such as stroke, road traffic injury, diabetes and Ischemic Heart Disease (IHD). Additionally, tobacco use also connected to stroke, IHD and COPD. This included overweight and obesity (high BMI) which associated to stroke, diabetes and IHD. When associated behaviors were classified as a major risk factor for chronic disease, it was found that almost one in three people were bond to alcohol consumption, also particularly increase in female. For tobacco use, it was found that during the past decade, smoking rates were likely to decline, however, in 2554 B.E., the rate of smoking was rising. In the dietary habits of the risk of chronic disease, people decreasingly focussed on fruits and vegetables consumption whereas dining sweet, salty and fatty taste increased. Additionally, over the past year, there was a decline about 3 percent with less than one in three of the population exercising regularly. The results of this study suggested that relevant authorities should take the measurement of health status to use in the prioritization of issues and strategies to prevent and resolve performance. All sectors should collaborate to define strategies to prevent and resolve both short and long-term strategy with the hastily to reduce risk factors and increase accessible intervention. Urgently searching risk groups by increasing screening and/or adjust health care system by contributing to the target. The policy should be motivated to the regular health surveillance as a data plan/behavior modification program in public health including social awareness and communication campaign to reduce risk factors and lifestyle continues.


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How to Cite

จิตต์ระเบียบ ศ. Associated Risk Behaviors of Increasing Chronic Disease in Thai Population Policy Implication to Effectively Develop NCD Preventive Strategies. Dis Control J [Internet]. 2012 Dec. 31 [cited 2024 Dec. 20];38(4):263-79. Available from:



Original Article