Evaluation of DM Care and Application of Self Efficacy Theory to Consumption Behavior Adaptation/Modification


  • รัตนาภรณ์ ฮิมหมั่นงาน The Office of Disease Prevention and Control 5th Nakhon Ratchasima Province
  • ศสิญา อาภาสุวรรณกุล The Office of Disease Prevention and Control 5th Nakhon Ratchasima Province


Evaluation of DM Care, Consumption Behavior, Behavior Adaptation/Modification


This research was aimed to evaluate the DM patients care by examination of the HbA1c level and the effectiveness of the application of Self Efficacy theory to consumption behavior modification among DM patients who had high blood sugar level. Phase 1 was adescriptive study. The subjects were 120 DM patients who received care at Chumpolburi hospital, Surin province. Interviewing and blood collection were conducted. Phase 2 was quasi experiment study. The subjects were 100 DM patients who were 30-65 years of age and received care from Joho Health Center, Nakhon Ratchasima province. Those subjects were divided into experiment and control group with 50 subjects per group. The experiment group were received the activities for consumption behavior modification, self record for self monitoring, persuasion and arousing activities from patients group and health professionals. There were follow up for blood sugar control and satisfaction survey after 1 year later. From phase 1, there were 35.8% of DM patients who could excellent control blood sugar (HbA1C < 7 mol%) and 15% of DM patients who could fair control blood sugar (HbA1C=7.01-8.00 mol%). The DM patients who were DM less than 10 years could better control 2 times than patients with DM longer than 10 years (33.3% VS 17.6%). From phase 2, after the experiment, the experiment group had higher perception than control group (p<0.001) (22.48 scores VS 13.42 scores) and higher than before experiment (p<0.001) (22.48 scores VS 14.78 scores). The experiment group had higher consumption behavior than control group (p<0.001) (29.12 scores VS 26.26 scores) and higher than before experiment (p<0.001) (29.12 scores VS 26.50 scores). The experiment group had lesser HbA1C than control group (p<0.001) (7.77 mol% และ 11.59 mol%) and lesser than before experiment (p<0.001) (7.77 mol% และ 9.04 mol%). After follow up 1 year later, 90.6% of the subjects had satisfaction to consumption behavior modification activities, especially to recording for self monitoring. Among the subjects 11.8% of them could excellent control blood sugar (HbA1C < 7 mol%) and 32.9% could fair control blood sugar (HbA1C = 7.01- 8.00 mol%). The results showed the effectiveness of the application of Self Efficacy theory to consumption behavior modification among DM patients. Nevertheless, further study should add Social Support Theory to increase the effectiveness of DM patients care.


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How to Cite

ฮิมหมั่นงาน ร, อาภาสุวรรณกุล ศ. Evaluation of DM Care and Application of Self Efficacy Theory to Consumption Behavior Adaptation/Modification. Dis Control J [Internet]. 2012 Sep. 28 [cited 2024 Dec. 20];38(3):184-96. Available from: https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/DCJ/article/view/155261



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