Law Enforcement of Tobacco and Alcohol Control Acts in peri - Bangkok Metropolitan area in 2010-2011
Law enforcement, Tobacco and Alcohol Control ActsAbstract
This study was a survey research which aimed to evaluate the law enforcement of the TobaccoProduct Control and Alcohol Control Acts and performance of health officers in peri-Bangkok metropolitan areas. Questionnaire and inspection record were used for data collection. The quantitative data was analyzed by using percentage, chi-square and the qualitative data was analyzed by using content analysis. The results revealed that from 286 sites of public places, government and non- government work places, the most violations were violation of non-smoking areas, and selling tobacco and alcohol products to children. Health officers applied these acts by integration with other jobs and together with other organizations or networks. The factors significantly relevant to the officers performance were non-smoking health officers, training on tobacco and alcohol control course, assignment pattern, their attitudes to work. This study suggested us to develop multi-sectoral integration system, revise and adjust the acts and emphasize the law enforcement and encourage all networks to participate in watching the violations.
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