HIVQUAL-T Program to Access Quality of Care among HIV Patients at Prasamutjedee Sawattayanon Hospital


  • ทิพวรรณ คูศิริวิเชียร Prasamutjedee Sawattayanon Hospital


HIVQUAL-T program, Care among HIV patients, Prasamutjedee Sawattayanon Hospital


The objectives of this study were 1) to explore the completeness of HIV/AIDS patients care databases in Prasamutjedee Sawattayanono Hospitals, 2) to assess quality of care in HIV/AIDS patients by the HIVQUAL-T program version 5.0 in HIV/AIDS patients, based on the guidelines of National Health Security Office for HIV/AIDS management, and 3) to propose a strategy for the continuous improvement of quality of care in HIV/AIDS patients. The study assessed the completeness of HIV/AIDS patient's data in the NAPHA program and medical record from community hospitals during October 2006 to September 2007. The results showed updated and completed data which covered all 12 indicators. There were 187 HIV/AIDS patients including 87 females and 100 males. All of them received ARV drugs. After assessing quality of care by HIVQUAL-T, 4.5 % of patients had CD4 for baseline, 79.5% of patients had CD4 counts checked at least twice a year, 100% patients had viral load monitored once a year. For OI prophylaxis, 100% of patients received PCP and Cryptococcosis prophylaxis. 94.4% of patients with TB received TB treatment. 95.5 % of patients had a VDRL test for syphilis screening and 94.4 % of female HIV/AIDS patients received PAP smear screening. The results of overall quality assessments were reviewed by the representative of ARV team in Prasamutjedee Sawattayanon Hospitals to propose a strategy to improve quality of care of the HIV/AIDS patients. They proposed to have the individual patient record form that gathered all HIV care data. They also proposed the systematic management of quality of care assessment, to encourage HIV/AIDS patients to participate in quality assessment monitoring, and continuous quality of care


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How to Cite

คูศิริวิเชียร ท. HIVQUAL-T Program to Access Quality of Care among HIV Patients at Prasamutjedee Sawattayanon Hospital. Dis Control J [Internet]. 2018 Nov. 14 [cited 2024 Dec. 20];38(2):129-37. Available from:



Original Article