Diet and Dyslipidemia in HIV Infected Pediatric Patients who Received Lopinavir/ritonavir (LPV/r)


  • วิศัลย์ มูลศาสตร์ Bamrasnaradura Infectious Disease Institute
  • ลัดดาวัลย์ กลิ่นมาลัย Bamrasnaradura Infectious Disease Institute
  • เจริญสุข อัศวพิพิธ Bamrasnaradura Infectious Disease Institute
  • รัชนู เจริญพักตร์ Bamrasnaradura Infectious Disease Institute
  • สมถวิล อัมพรอารีกุล Bamrasnaradura Infectious Disease Institute
  • นภา จิระคุณ Bamrasnaradura Infectious Disease Institute


Dyslipidemia, children with HIV infection, Lopinavir/ritonavir


This retrospective cohort study was design to evaluate whether tight diet control (intervention) can reduce dyslipidemia in HIV infected pediatric patients who received Lopinavir/ritonavir (LPV/r) from 1 Jan 2007 to 31 Dec 2010. There were 62 patients. Inclusion criteria were patient under 18 year old and LPV/r-base therapy. Lipids measurements was done before and after initial LPV/r therapy and another lipids measurements was done after intervention, collected from medical record. Mean cholesterol level before and after intervention were observed ( 200.19±49.03 vs 204.00±67.40 mg/dl, p = 0.615). Mean triglyceride level before and after intervention were observed (162.58±88.75 vs 150.05±71.23 mg/dl, p = 0.140). Mean cholesterol level before and after LPV/r-base therapy were observed (189.44±48.76 vs 200.19±49.03 mg/dl, p = 0.039). Mean triglyceride level before and after LPV/ r-base therapy were not difference ( p= 0.583). Conclusion tight diet control can reduce dyslipidemia in HIV infected pediatric patients who received LPV/r.


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How to Cite

มูลศาสตร์ ว, กลิ่นมาลัย ล, อัศวพิพิธ เ, เจริญพักตร์ ร, อัมพรอารีกุล ส, จิระคุณ น. Diet and Dyslipidemia in HIV Infected Pediatric Patients who Received Lopinavir/ritonavir (LPV/r). Dis Control J [Internet]. 2012 Jun. 29 [cited 2024 Jul. 18];38(2):121-8. Available from:



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