Development of the Training Course of Caring for TB Patients in Social Welfare Office


  • ทัศนีย์ มนุญพาณิชย Bureau of Tuberculosis
  • กาญจนา ใจแข็ง Bureau of Tuberculosis


Course of caring for TB Patients, Social Welfare office


Bureau of Tuberculosis aimed to develop training course for care takers who had the responsibility to take care elderly in Social Welfare Office. The self assessment on the questionnaires from 36 Social Welfare offices showed that care takers did not have enough knowledge of TB for caring TB patients and also TB prevention. Most care takers preferred to attend TB training course (96.2 %). The purpose of this training course was for persons who have responsibility to conduct the training to care takers both on TB knowledge and skill for prevention and caring TB patients. The process of the development started with series of consultation meeting from the experts. In the trying out of the course, trainee, all of care takers had a high average scoring at 8.5 (out of 9). The attitude of caring TB Patients was also remarkable improved. In conclusion, this training course was developed and should be implemented.


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How to Cite

มนุญพาณิชย ท, ใจแข็ง ก. Development of the Training Course of Caring for TB Patients in Social Welfare Office. Dis Control J [Internet]. 2018 Nov. 14 [cited 2024 Dec. 20];38(2):87-96. Available from:



Original Article