Empowerment of community leaders to monitor and prevent non-communicable diseases in SoiDao District, Chantaburi, 2007-2009


  • สุภาพร พุทธรัตน์ Office of Disease Prevention and Control 3,Chonburi
  • สมปอง โรจน์รุ่งศศิธร Office of Disease Prevention and Control 3,Chonburi
  • รานี เทียนฤทธิเดช Office of Disease Prevention and Control 3,Chonburi




community leader, participatory learning


This action research to empower the leader to be aware of the health problems in their community and to strengthen their self-efficacy in promoting health by reducing the risks of non-communicable which affect themselves, their families, and community members. The participatory learning process was utilized to develop a learning process. The 57 samples were members of clubs and groups from six communities in Soi Dao District, Chantaburi Province. The questionnaires were collected before and after the meetings. The techniques used were AIC and PRA. The meetings last for 3 days in 2007-2009. The results showed that the community leaders participated in the meeting became aware of the disease monitoring and perceive the ability of themselves and their community members in solving the health problems, promoting health and reducing health risk (p value=0.000). The outcomes were that the leaders could analyze health problems and planed six interventions. Subsequently, the leaders and partners formed a working group and assign responsibilities in implementing the programs/projects with the support of Subdistrict Administrative Organization in their areas. After 3 months, the outcome monitoring found that all the projects had completed as planned although the budget was the reason why some activities lack continuity. Therefore, the village commission will be approached to set the budget in the following year's activities.


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How to Cite

พุทธรัตน์ ส, โรจน์รุ่งศศิธร ส, เทียนฤทธิเดช ร. Empowerment of community leaders to monitor and prevent non-communicable diseases in SoiDao District, Chantaburi, 2007-2009. Dis Control J [Internet]. 2013 Sep. 30 [cited 2024 Dec. 20];39(3):246-57. Available from: https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/DCJ/article/view/155068



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