Alarm System for Risk of Adverse Drug Reactions in Rend Impairment Leprosy Patients


  • รัชนี วัฒนเรืองรอง Raj Pracha Samasai Institute, Department of Disease Control


Alarm system, Adverse Drug Reaction, Kidney Impairment, Leprosy


Non - immunological adverse drug reactions , ADRs or side effect can be prevented. Especially in renal impairment patients who had decreased of drug elimination. The purpose of this descriptive study was to develop a warning system to the risk patient groups of ADRs. The screening of renal impairment leprosy patients , Creatinine Clearance less than 60 ml/min were 304 people , from a total of 683 people who treated with Raj Pracha Samasai Institute during March - May 2011. This developed system called "RPSI Kidney Alarm", Which is run in two part , Recording a notify the occurrence of ADRs and tender notification This system used during June - August 2011 found 2,334 prescriptions of leprosy patients and had a notification 935 times. Pharmacist found the risk of ADRs 130 times or about 13.90 96. Drug counseling is the most intervention method used to prevent ADRs , 65.3896. NSAIDs is the most of drug to be avoid that had prescribed , up to 77.6996 of others. The "RPSI Kidney Alarm" can helps patient care team to monitor the occurrence of ADRs , one of the important drugs related problems.


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How to Cite

วัฒนเรืองรอง ร. Alarm System for Risk of Adverse Drug Reactions in Rend Impairment Leprosy Patients. Dis Control J [Internet]. 2018 Nov. 14 [cited 2024 Dec. 20];38(1):51-60. Available from:



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