Evaluation on the implementation of Chikungunya control measure at community level: a case study of the Village Health Volunteers Songkhla Province


  • ยอร์น จิระนคร Public Health Office Region 12
  • ทัศนิย์ พงค่ไพบูลย์ Songkhla Provincial Health Office




Chikungunya control measure, Village Health Volunteers


This study aimed to evaluate the implementation of Chigunkunya control measure from policy to practice in a community by the village health volunteers (VHV). The CIPP Model was applied to evaluate in 4 components: context, input, process, and product. The 4,570 VHVs in Thepa, Chana, Sabayoi, and Sadao District in Songkhla Province were stratified randomly sampled to be 368 samples. The questionnaire was pretested for reliability and used for data collection. The statistical analysis was performed and presented by using descriptive statistics. The results revealed that the samples were mostly female with age group of 40- 49 years and graduated primary school level. Their experience of working as VHV was less than 10 years. Each VHVs responded an average of 10-19 households. The context of control measure implementation was in good level. The control measure was relevant to the faced problems in the community. Input component was appropriate and adequate which its score was in fair level. The budgets, materials, equipments, preparedness of the community and knowledge of the community leaders including VHVs were fair. The process; the control measure practice in the villages where had no reported case, and ones with any cases had been reported, was good while the control measure practice in the village with a case occurring was fair. The products of control measure practice in community were an active cases finding activities in village (75.9%), less mosquito breeding sites (House index = 0.20 - 9.61) and no any reported cases in controlled villages (79.6%). This study could demonstrate the potential of the VHVs in active surveillance, early detection and disease control timely to prepare for epidemics of the emerging and re-emerging diseases in the near future.


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How to Cite

จิระนคร ย, พงค่ไพบูลย์ ท. Evaluation on the implementation of Chikungunya control measure at community level: a case study of the Village Health Volunteers Songkhla Province. Dis Control J [Internet]. 2013 Dec. 31 [cited 2024 Dec. 20];39(4):334-4. Available from: https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/DCJ/article/view/155014



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