Enhancement of risk communication management model for public communication system in the Department of Disease Control
Risk communication management, Public communication, Diseases and disaster, Public health emergenciesAbstract
A dramatically increasing of diseases disaster and public health emergencies usually call for efficientpublic communication system. A literature review found deficiency of important procedures of theexisting system on risk communication, communication strategy and planning including media monitoring inthe Department of Disease Control (DDC). This study was conducted during January 2011 - September 2012 aiming to develop risk communication management model for public communication system in DDC by using participatory action research method. Following components are being implemented: 1) call center; 2) media monitoring; 3) department operation center management; 4) information system management; 5) diseases & disaster projection; and 6) intelligence report. The weakness linked to deficiency of information analysis, coordination and uncertainty of responsible staff. Study team and concerned authorities submittedrecommendations on improvement of risk communication management system for DDC implementation. One year after launching the recommendations, it was found DDC performed more efficiency and components mentioned above to ease public health emergency response. Furthermore, communities are well beneficial from easily and regular accessing of information from centralized call center system. Nevertheless, the limitations on development of the system and human resources need to be considered. Recommendations were proposed to the DDC for future improvement.
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