The effectiveness of intellectual empowerment creation and community participation for the prevention and control of dengue, Banpong Subdistrict, Hangdong District, Chiengmai Province


  • บุษบง เจาฑานนท์ Department of Disease Control
  • สุรินทร์ สายธรรม The Office of Disease Prevention & Control 10 Chiengmai
  • ภูริวัจน์ อินทร์ตุ้ม Banpongnuea Subdistrict Health Promoting Hospital
  • ปราจิตร ไชยสมทิพย์ Banpongnuea Subdistrict Health Promoting Hospital



Effectiveness, intellectual empowerment, community, participation, dengue prevention and control


This is a semi-experimental study through the participatory action research with an aim to study the intellectual empowerment creation community participation for the prevention and control of dengue, through the community participation development pattern together with the mentation or the development of intellectual empowerment. The study population were the community at Banpong Subdistrict, Hangdong District, Chiangmai Province. Sixty participants were separated into 2 equal groups that are the experimental group who got training on entomology and intellectual empowerment creation; and the control group who were without the training. The results showed that the experimental group had significant difference of change on the average points of community participation for prevention and control of dengue (p<0.05). The results for both groups were similar before and 3 months after the training. However, the average points were significantly higher among the experimental group immediately after the training (p<0.05). Consequently, the experimental community established a learning center and established mosquito eradication project through local wisdom as well as a home livable project. The health network had expanded beyond health volunteers to cover housewife group, community leaders such as village headman, village chiefs, subdistrict administration organization, etc. This study demonstrated that the community potential development both in academic technique and mentality was the main core for prevention and control of dengue in community, and it can be an example of the strengthened and sustainable community. The core characters included the ability of problem solving, generosity, happiness, self-esteem, self-satisfaction, and peace in mind which created the strength of Thai society and good quality of life. This dengue prevention and control approach can be expanded to other communities.


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How to Cite

เจาฑานนท์ บ, สายธรรม ส, อินทร์ตุ้ม ภ, ไชยสมทิพย์ ป. The effectiveness of intellectual empowerment creation and community participation for the prevention and control of dengue, Banpong Subdistrict, Hangdong District, Chiengmai Province. Dis Control J [Internet]. 2013 Sep. 30 [cited 2024 Dec. 20];39(3):204-1. Available from:



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