Evaluation of The Project of the King's Initiative on People's Health for Prevention and Control Diabetes Mellitus and Hypertension in Kamphaengphet Province


  • ลออศรี จารุวัฒน์ Kamphaengphet Provincial Health Office
  • ศุภชัย คำหนู Kamphaengphet Provincial Health Office
  • น้ำค้าง ฉ่ำสอน Kamphaengphet Provincial Health Office




Evaluation, Diabetes mellitus, Hypertension


This study aimed to evaluate the context, input, process, output and various obstacles of the Project of the King's initiative on people's health for prevention and control diabetes mellitus and hypertension in Kamphaengphet Province. Using questionnaires to collect data among 101 health personnel who responsible for non-communicable diseases control and 480 people who be screened for diabetes and hypertension in 2011 during May - July 2012. Data analysis was done by descriptive statistics. The results revealed that according to the opinion of health personnel, 95.0 percent agreed that project is suitable to extreme suitable. The 94.0 percent of people aged 35 years and over needed to be screened for illness or risk to diabetes and hypertension. The majority of health personnel, 65.3 percent, said that the budget was not enough, 55.4 percent, there were available / adequate equipments for processing, and 50.5 percent, workplaces were not available and 71.3 percent, number of personnel for project implementation was not enough. The 85.1 percent of villages / communities used strategic route map for planning project. Output of the project ; 95.0 percent of villages / communities which changed to be reduced risks villages, all health facilities had database of diabetes and hypertension, and 92.5 percent of people aged 35 years and over were screened for diabetes and hypertension. However, 59.8 percent had high level of satisfaction, 69.1 percent had moderate level of awareness of their own health care management, 40.7 percent had high level of participation in environmental management in village / community for reducing the risks to non-communicable diseases. The obstacles of project were, inadequate personnel and budget, less people cooperation including misunderstanding the examination, long time spending and travelling expense for service.


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How to Cite

จารุวัฒน์ ล, คำหนู ศ, ฉ่ำสอน น. Evaluation of The Project of the King’s Initiative on People’s Health for Prevention and Control Diabetes Mellitus and Hypertension in Kamphaengphet Province. Dis Control J [Internet]. 2013 Mar. 29 [cited 2024 Jul. 1];39(1):22-9. Available from: https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/DCJ/article/view/154323



Original Article