Effectiveness of Smoking Quitting Program and Comparison of Body Weight and Blood Sugar Level of Diabetic Patients who Successfully Quit Smoking


  • เดชา มีสุข Napalai Hospital




Smoking quitting, body weight, blood sugar level, Diabetes Mellitus


This two groups pre - posttest design of quasi-experimental research intended to study the effectiveness of smoking quitting program and comparison of body weight and blood sugar level before and after smoking quitting in diabetic patients who had successfully quit smoking. The sample, from specific sampling, consisted of 130 patients with type II diabetes who had regularly smoked for more than one year and got treatment at hospitals in Samutsongkhram province and consented to participate in research. They were divided by voluntariness into experimental group and comparison group, 65 patients for each group. The experimental group was advised to give up smoking and utilize smoking quitting program, simultaneously, the comparison group was merely advised to give up smoking. Data collection was carried out before and after 3 months of trial during July - October, 2012. Research instrument consisted of 1. Questionnaire; included personal data, health status and self-care behavior 2. Record form of smoking, body weight and blood sugar level. Data was analyzed by descriptive statistics, Chi-square test, Independent t-test, and Paired sample t-test. It was found that before trial, the experimental group and comparison group had no significant difference in the average amount of smoking (P - value > 0.05), however, after trial, the experimental group had statistically significant lower amount of smoking than comparison group (P-value = 0.048). Comparison in amount of smoking before and after trial of the both groups found that after trial had statistically significant lower average amount of smoking than before trial (P-value < 0.001). Moreover, 32.3 percent of patients who got smoking quitting program could successfully quit smoking after the end of program. Comparison in body weight and blood sugar level before and after smoking quitting of patients who had successfully quit smoking, showed that after smoking quitting they had no statistically difference of body weight and blood sugar level (P - value > 0.05) at each month after trial (1 month, 2 months, and 3 months). According to the results, we concluded that the aforementioned program had effectiveness for reducing or quitting smoking. Consequently, such program should be advised to diabetic smoker in order to quit smoking.


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How to Cite

มีสุข เ. Effectiveness of Smoking Quitting Program and Comparison of Body Weight and Blood Sugar Level of Diabetic Patients who Successfully Quit Smoking. Dis Control J [internet]. 2013 Mar. 29 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];39(1):1-13. available from: https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/DCJ/article/view/154280



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